Work and Respect project is the one implemented by the Cheshire Ethiopia Hawassa Center, aimed to improve the socio-economic status of youth with disabilities whom had dropped out of school, could not join colleges and universities for various reasons to improve their own and families’ lives through a support to have technical skills training in TVET collages and local crafts man found in the area. After they completed the project would have given them basic working materials. Today we would like to introduce two micro and small enterprise engaged in leather, brooms and brushes making.
የቸሻየር ኢትዮጲያ ሀዋሳ ማእከል ከሚተገብራቸው ፕሮጀክቶች መካከል “Work and Respect project” አንዱ ሲሆን የዚህ ፕሮጀክት ዋና አላማ ትምህርት ጀምረው ያቋረጡ እንዲሁም በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች ወደ ኮሌጆችና ዩኒቨርስቲዎች መግባት ያልቻሉ ወጣት አካል ጉዳተኞችን ውጤታማ ሊያደርጋቸው በሚችሉ የተለያዪ ሞያዎች በቴክኒክና ሞያ ኮሌጆች እንዲሁም አካባቢ ላይ በሚገኙ የተለያዩ ሞያነክ ስራዎች ላይ ስልጠና እንዲያገኙ በማስቻል ለስራ ማስጀምሪያ የሚሆኑ መሰረታዊ እቃዎችን በመስጠት የራሳቸውንም ሆነ የቤተሰቦቻቸውን ኑሮ እንዲያሻሽሉ ማገዝ ነው፡፡ ከነዚህ ውስጥ በቆዳ ውጤቶች ላይና በመጥረጊያና ብሩሽ ስራ ላይ የተሰማሩት እነሆ አልን፡፡